Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Adventure Draws Near...17 days

I was accepted for the Fire In the Night Internship! So, I am leaving for the International House of Prayer in Kansas City in just over two weeks! I am very excited to see what the Lord will do and discover more of who I am and the plans he has for my future. I plan to blog at least once a week throughout the three months I am there, so be sure to check back as often as you want to see how things are going. I will try to give a synopsis of the things God is teaching me through teachings and through the intense hours of prayer and intercession, but I will also include the basics such as how life is going physically and emotionally. Well, thanks for reading! Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you were accepted,
now you are only 5 hours away from me.

Anonymous said...

Patricia, you are such an awesome daughter!! God will pour out His Spirit on you during your watches in the night. Go and change the world...


Anonymous said...

I'm so looking forward to reading your blog!!!!! Hope things come together for you as you go and God teaches you more than you ever thought was possible! I'll be praying for you!
Love ya,