Saturday, January 31, 2009

Basic Update...Track 2!

So, I have been at track 2 of Fire in the night for about 2 ½ weeks now. There is definitely similarities but it feels so different. I love it though, its been awesome. First big change = the people!
I am slowly getting to know a lot of the track 1 people. There are a lot of really cool ones! There is about 50 of them. I must say at first it was very overwhelming. I went from recognizing every face in the prayer-room to feeling very outnumbered by “new” people. :) I felt like this wasn't fire in the night because they don't belong here! :) I still haven't talked to a lot of the girls....though I have met almost all the guys. The girls just seem harder to approach...for me anyways. They are much more clique-ish. They sit with their apartments at meals and such. I would much rather sit down with a bunch of guys that are talking about random things than a bunch of girls that seem to know one another well. For the most part the guys are too silly and crazy to make you feel awkward or out of place. I really often prefer the company of guys to girls. I know it seems weird, but honestly I have never lived with so many girls! :) I'm a little girl-overloaded. I'm used to me, mom, and 4 guys (not to mention the other 2+ guys that are at our house almost constantly). I do hope I get to have some good conversations with the girls though over the next couple of months. We had a little sharing/question session with a bunch of the girls about 2 weeks ago. It was really cool. We introduced ourselves and let them ask us questions about whatever they wanted. And we ended by praying for them. It was really cool.

Spiritually, there is a different atmosphere in track 2. There is more hunger and intensity in my own heart not to mention in my whole apartment. We spend every morning praying for one another before we go to sleep and we have lots of conversations about God, His word, and what He has done in us. I feel like there is much less wasted time or time used for less edifying purposes, like face-booking for example. (not to say that face-book is wrong by any means, but this is an intense three month season of my life). I am so incredibly blessed my who the Lord gave me for roommates. Lindsey shares a room with me, she was my apartment mate last track as well. She is 22. Then there is Rachel and Kara, Rachel will be 23 in a couple days and Kara is 25 I think. As a result, I am now the youngest :) I don't mind at all though and actually feel quite blended into the mix just fine :) I enjoy the maturity and intensity that rests on our apartment. Of course thats not to say we don't have fun, laugh, or have crazy times together. Rachel and I seem to die of laughter almost every morning as she brushes her teeth in the bathroom :) We have such a blast together. Oh, I also wanted to say I am so incredibly blessed to have the core leaders that I have: Katie and Kristie. They are both amazing, mature, grounded woman in the Lord! And they are both tons of fun and easy to talk to, very accepting and understanding. I love it because during our weekly apartment meetings we share things the Lord is teaching us and then Katie is teaching us about the attributes of Jesus. We usually go at least 30 minutes over the scheduled time asking questions about the Word and just listening to her insight and wisdom. Its been amazing! I also like the fact that there are only 4 of us in our apartment (the other track 2 apartments have 5 & 7). It feels more like our own place with less stuff and less traffic of people.

As far as classes go, almost every class we have is with track 1, which is very different than last track where there was much more distinction. We have a class all about Jesus called “the excellencies of Christ,” Connection Time with Stuart (we had that last track), Sermon on the mount/discussion groups, and Foundations of a forerunner/discussion groups (the only class we have just as track2). I really really enjoy the discussion groups, it is something they are doing new this track. (I don't think they ever did it much in previous tracks). We get to dissect what was talked about, ask questions, and share/receive insights on verses and principles discussed in class. Its really cool! I also love hearing from others, you get to know them in a different way when you see that side of a person.

Overall, I am loving track 2 but at the same time excited to go home when it is over...its been a long time. I also can't wait to start an omega group when I get back, each track 2 intern received a kit to start one!!


Kurt said...

whoo! I'm a bit overloaded with all the new vocab. What is an omega group?

Sounds like it's a good time of intense prayer, study and reflection. Our generation needs people who are on fire for God!

Fire In The Night Internship Winter 2008 said...

This gives an explanation about the omega course. :)

Anonymous said...

Troy lent me his omega course kit and I've been working through it and I think when you get back there would be a lot of people that would be willing to do something like that.

It's always cool to see how God is working in my friends lives.

Fire In The Night Internship Winter 2008 said...

That would be so awesome Joe!!

Anonymous said...

so glad you took the time to post these newest blogs. thanks.