Friday, November 14, 2008

My revelation about ubelief in the believer

Okay, now to my latest revelation...about unbelief.
Sitting on the couch in my apartment some of my friends and I were discussing Healing, and what prevents it from happening...we were bringing up various scriptures and personal stories as well as issues of doubt, unbelief, timing, etc. I don't think we all agree, but we do agree that we shall pray for people to be healed every time, even if it doesn't always happen. Anyways...Julia was looking up the definitions in the Greek or something, the difference between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is like wavering in something you believe, much more temporary. Unbelief, on the other hand, is more like a direct stance or declaration against God, denying Him to be God. We thought that would make sense in the context of Jesus doing only few miracles in his hometown because of their unbelief. The people in that town grew up with him, and didn't really believe him to be God. It was different than doubting his power at that moment. But then someone brought up the verse somewhere where its said I believe, but help my unbelief. That didn't really seem to make seemed unbelief was something that would only be possible in an unbeliever...maybe they mistranslated we said...all of a sudden something clicked, and it was like I received this instant revelation about unbelief in the believer. I will try to share it here, but it may be a little hard to follow :)

My revelation is about what unbelief is way beyond in instances of believing for miracles or signs and wonders. But rather at the deeper, heart level. Basically to the measure of compromise we have in our life is the measure of unbelief we have in our hearts. Its like a direct association. I know, it may seem strange, but bear with me, please. (I just want to say that I had never thought of it this way until that moment, it was so cool!)(we can also have unbelief in the aspect of not truly believing God to be who He says He is...but that is a whole other topic!)

When we live in known compromise with sin, we are basically denying God the position of God in that area of our heart/life. We be-little the words of scripture or the conviction of the Holy Spirit and make excuses for our compromise with sin. “God can't expect me to be perfect, I'm human!” or “I'm sure ___ isn't really that big of a deal...God is just over doing it” “Who cares if I gossip, I am a better Christian than most” “It's just not realistic” or many other excuses may come up and we ignore the conviction that the Holy Spirit gave us and continue on. (now I want to clarify I am not talking about striving for righteousness but failing in our weakness. I am talking about indirect or direct rebellion. There is a huge difference).

If you think about it, that really is like having unbelief in our hearts. Just think of how different we would live if Jesus was right in front of us...and yet He is there, so why don't we live that way? If we truly 100% believe God to be who He says He is and give him that position in our lives and obey His word accordingly, we would never make excuses for sin or allow compromise to be an option. Instead, we would strive for righteousness in those areas of weakness, repenting and moving forward...repenting and moving forward. Waring against sin instead of making it okay. Does this make sense at all? We are denying God the position of God in those areas of our lives, which is basically the definition of unbelief...even though we are saved.

I began to “preach myself into conviction” as I explained my revelation to my friends. Think about the “little things,” not just the “big stuff.” Whenever the Holy Spirit convicts us, we must respond actively not passively. And we must be steadfast and faithful to continue living out our active response. We must believe He is who He says He is, give Him that position in every area of our life, and take Him at His word!

We get ourselves into such a mess when we begin to compare ourselves to others, saved or unsaved. Instead, we should be comparing ourselves to Jesus' perfect example. In matthew 5:48 Jesus says “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” This is a command, not just nice words!

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit takes things one chunk at a time. Or else we would be completely lost and overwhelmed by our darkness. I just want to challenge you all to look in your own hearts for areas of “unbelief.” Areas where you have ignored the Holy Spirit's conviction, through His voice or through His word. Where you have compromised, compared yourself to others, and made excuses to continue in your compromise. If you can't think of any areas of compromise, I encourage you to read the sermon on the mount again, asking the Lord to reveal any compromise in your life, cause I can guarantee it's there, somewhere!

We want every area of our lives and hearts to be under His authority and striving to live in obedience to Him. And I really believe that as we begin to grasp this, we will see results. We will become more like his Son and people will know there is something different about us. God will release more of His supernatural power upon us as we weed out the unbelief inside us. Don't let unbelief in your heart keep you from the things and ways of the Lord!

Many blessings!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Revelation in the prayer room...

Wow, so its been quite a while since I have updated my blog. I want to assure you it is not because of lack of new knowledge or anything, I have just been so busy. So many teachings, and I am not always faithful to take notes....but it is going into my heart. I definitely cannot go into detail on everything I have been learning but I want to touch on a couple things...

First of all concerning track 2. I am really feeling the Lord leading me to stay for track 2. But before I expound on that any more I want to explain what it took (or the majority of it) for me to come to this place.

Its so ironic, because a couple sundays ago we had a track 2 informational meeting and then they had us tell them “yes, no, or possibly”. I actually said flat out “no.” I had my mind made up, I was not staying. Its not that I had no desire to stay, I had grown to love these people and my home here, I just didn't want to stay. Even as I said it though I could almost feel my stubbornness. For those of you that don't know, I am very stubborn.

Anyways, fast forward to the next day in the prayer room. I was pacing with my Bible, reading Matthew 5. I have read that chapter countless times since I have been here, but this time was different. It was as if the words were arrows hitting my heart. I was totally in another world, quite unaware of those that passed me as I paced. I could only take a verse or two and then would stop. The truths were so deep, and so revealing of my shortcomings. As I progressed through the chapter I was made very aware of how “far from the mark” I really am, and how much I could benefit staying longer. The last verse in chapter 5 was about all I could bear...about being perfect as our heavenly father is perfect. I realized that no matter how pure and true my heart is, I NEED to be pushed. I need to continue to be pushed beyond my comfort level of righteousness...I need the discipline right now to spend hours with the Lord, hours of reading his word and praying. I need those in authority over me bringing new conviction into my life and “provoking” me into greater righteousness. And being constantly surrounded by others in “the same boat” as me and the same passions for Jesus and to live like Him helps more than words could describe. So suddenly I found myself thinking man I really do need to stay here longer, I am NOT ready to go home. It was crazy, and I looked at myself in could this happen? How could things turn upside down in a matter of 24 hours?! I guess thats what happens when the spirit of revelation comes upon you and changes your perspectives.

After lunch (during which I told some of my roommates and my core leader about the things going on in my heart. And they seemed to be in agreement and excitement at the idea of me staying longer) I returned to Sermon on the Mount. I think I read all of chapter 6 and 7...not sure though...anyways. It was AMAZING. Seriously, AMAZING. It was the first time in my life that reading the scriptures felt like an actual conversation with Jesus. I was able to get so involved with the words I was reading, like I was in another world. I was picturing Jesus preaching this sermon to the crowd. Jesus, a human, speaking...not just red words in a Bible that we skim over all to quickly, but Jesus speaking. I would take a verse or two at a time and then stop. I would pray in tongues and thoughts would come up about those verses...questions mostly of “how?” and “what does that look like?” Then I would ask the Lord about them and then read the next verse or two. And it was totally like Jesus was directly answering my questions/thoughts! It was SO awesome and exciting to read on! Like I said before, it was like having a conversation with Jesus. He would speak, I would give my thoughts and questions, and He would respond in perfect wisdom. The brilliance of the order of that sermon truly amazes me now. He knew what we would think and spoke accordingly...and yet it was also very personal to me and my situation. The verse that really seemed to answer my question of what should I do now was Matthew 6:33. It talks about seeking first his Kingdom and His righteousness. I suddenly saw how staying for track 2 fell under that verse perfectly. Being here, I am pursuing His Kingdom (we are constantly learning of the Kingdom of Heaven, and how we are citizens of it, not of earth..and preparing for His kingdom to come to earth as well) and His Righteousness (constantly being convicted, encouraged, and provoked into greater righteousness through the teachings, the people, the atmosphere, the amount of Bible reading I have been doing etc...). It just totally described me being here. It seemed that being here lined up perfectly, like those are basically the main focuses we learn on here. Not healing, not evangelism, or gifts (though all of these have a very important part of our walk with Jesus) but His Kingdom and His righteousness. I found myself realizing that this might really be the best way for me to obey that verse, to stay for track two after all. (comparing it to my other current options...)

That same night I pulled out the track two application I was given at the meeting (everyone was given one), I filled it out right there in the prayerroom, and I was excited to! :) Its really so crazy how much of a change happened in 24 hours...and yet it some ways it was more of getting rid of my stubbornness as well...cause part of me had always thought about staying...even though I denied it as I said “no”.

Since then, I have talked to many about my wrestle of to stay or not to stay and Track 2 really seems like the wise decision. So yeah, basically, I am staying :) Yay! Its so ironic because I was convinced all those stories I heard of people in track 1 set against staying but changed their mind were just “all those people”...not thinking I would really be one of them!

I also want to clarify that my time here is not really about IHOP. I don't feel called to be an IHOP-er or anything, I don't feel that the gifts and passions God has given me are being fulfilled or used here to their utmost...but I know I need this season in my life. It is kind of like a wilderness time. It is all about the heart. Stoping the doing, and focusing on the heart. This time to build my foundation in God, His word, and His Righteousness. And to learn about His ways and of His coming. My time here, beyond all doubt, will affect (and already has) the rest of my life.

I really have to go to bed now, but I will soon right of the latest revelation I got (just today actually!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More deep stuff going on in my heart

So on friday, we had a really good teaching at our encountering God service. We looked at John 17 and how Jesus asked his heavenly father for three main desires of His. “To be with them” to be with me and to be with you. Jesus desires to be with you. Wow, this just strikes my heart. The perfect sinless Jesus desires to be with me. The second thing he desires is that we see His glory. That we see who he is, and that the inner workings of His heart be made known to us through the Holy Spirit. The last thing he tells His father He desires is that “they love me with the love which you love me, and that they be in me and I in them.” Wow, isn't that intense!? He desires us to love him with the highest love there could possibly be, the love He has for the Father and the Father has for Him. He wants us to share in that perfect love. The depth of the love the Father has for the Son is put into us by the Holy Spirit!

Anyways, after the service they had a kind of altar call thing....for anyone that wants to respond to the call to love God more deeply, or however they put it. This whole loving God and his love for me has been pretty much the main theme in my life during my time here, so of course I went up to the front. As an outward sign of acknowledging my desire and need in this area of my life and also to receive prayer. Tears began to flow almost immediately as I worshipped and prayer before the Lord. Lindsey, the oldest of my room-mates at 22, came up to me and began to pray over me...Lindsey was telling me the things she felt the Lord was speaking to me. She talked about Jesus wanting my everything, not just part of me. And how He won't relent until He has all of me. It was really powerful...I was sobbing again. She said a lot more but that was the main theme of it. Just about God's desire to have all of me and how he doesn't give up on getting all of me. I responded to those things telling the Lord I give him everything....I will follow him with both feet (in reference to the dream I had in China where the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me).

Afterwards I was pondering and thinking things over...over my time here as I've fallen back in love with Jesus, I'm realizing that He is re-establishing my trust in Him. I didn't realize the extent of my lack thereof until now – as I realize he is restoring it. It involves mainly the aspect of my future, and my relationship with Jordan.

I had been worried and fearful (even though I never really came out and said it) about really truly give my everything to God because I had to make sure things included Jordan just right. I was holding tight to my relationship. As though, through gritted teeth, I could say to the world and everyone around me “I will prove this is right, and I WILL make this happen. Just you wait and see.” What a sad, screwed up way to look at things though.

I was scared. Scared that if I obeyed the passions and desires/callings I felt God put in my heart that I would lose Jordan. So instead, I held him so tight. Praise the Lord that I acted in faith and in obedience to come to IHOP. That was a good step of re-establishing my trust in the Lord. That's where the trust comes in. Trusting that the Lord really truly knows best. (and knowing it in my heart, not just my head). Trusting I don't have to hold Jordan with that death-grip because God is in control, not me. (thankfully!)

My trust is shifting back onto the Lord's shoulders, letting him carry my burdens. I'm trusting that he knows everything, and really knows best. He knows the whole picture, and His plan for me is perfect. Instead of holding so tightly to Jordan and saying no to passions in my heart as a result, I will run with the things the Lord puts on my heart and see where it takes me. I will stay in love with my Savior, for he alone is the reason that I live. And I will trust Him to work things out, in His timing. Who am I to think I know it all, to think my plan is the only way? I am beginning to really learn the truth. The truth that God's will shall come to pass if I walk in obedience to Him. I don't have to make things happen in my own strength. I don't have to defend myself and what I believe God said to me. That's God's job. (basically sounds like a conversation I had with my parents before I left...if only they could have trusted that the Lord would deal with me in His timing and perfect way and trusted that I would be diligent to respond; instead of trying to convince me themselves of what I need to think or do) I need only to love Him with all my heart, mind, and strength, and live in obedience to Him. He will take care of the rest. It's not that my beliefs have really changed, but the trust for making things happen and the way and timing of how things will happen is truly in God's hands now, not mine or Jordan's. I don't have to make God's will happen, he will take care of that. His will shall come to pass if I submit everything to Him. I say not my will but yours be done oh Lord! What do I have to fear, what should I be afraid of? Afraid of living out God's perfect will? No way! And oh how much would I miss if I did things my way. It is only when I give Jesus my everything, with complete trust that His ways are perfect, that I can truly thrive; truly live life. And in His will there is indescribable peace and satisfaction. Taking things one step at a time, in love with my Jesus and trusting Him with everything,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

God's Love - thats what its all about

Through the course of many things, I am really discovering how God's love and returning that love is really what it's all about. We have had teachings and sermons on intimacy and love of God. And the greatest commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Even in my times of stillness before the Lord He was giving me pictures of how much and how He loves me! What a beautiful love it is, He is love! Even many songs we sing focus on it, one that really spoke to my heart contained the lines: “I will return to my first love. I'm so in love with, I'm so in love with you Jesus.” My heart is falling so in love with the beauty of Jesus and being captivated by Him.

He is my everything, my rock and my foundation. Even when everyone and everything else fails me, Jesus will never will. These are things that we all say and hear countless times in our growing up years, but I feel they are becoming realities in my heart. Things I knew in my mind are being engrained as real truths in my heart. I am continually learning how to give those giant mountains completely to the Lord, when there is no way to the right or to the left. “God will make a way, When there seems to be no way.” That phrase of an old song spoke to my heart about 4 or 5 years ago and has never left me, I love to see it becoming reality in my life, and not my life with my parents seeing those truths come to pass, but for me to see it, alone and for myself. God is so good!

I had written in an earlier post about my “dream ministry.” I know I would love to do something along those lines but I also know that no matter where I am in life and in the world, no matter what I am doing; my purpose is to love God, to know Him, to be in His presence. To fellowship with the Almighty Creator is the reason I was made. I know that no matter what I do or where God takes me, I can be satisfied in my love relationship with Jesus. For example, say I do some ministry for a couple years, for a season in my life. It will be exhilarating and exciting to have such an impact. But I want kids eventually. I can honestly say and believe that being a stay at home mom can be satisfying as well. Because what really matters is my relationship with Jesus. I can talk to him and commune with Him always and anytime. As long as that is not neglected, life will be satisfying, exciting, and fresh! :)

I liked the way Stuart explained it to our class when Nathan (a fellow fire in the nighter) asked the question of “How God could empower Samson to kill those men?” It brought up the whole topic of calling on a person's life. A person's calling is not for the person themselves, but for the people around them. Therefore, their calling is not dependent on how perfect of a person they are or if they do everything right. Because its ultimately not about them, but for the benefit of the people. God had an ultimate plan and purpose and He wanted to use Samson as part of that plan. That does not mean that Samson was always righteous and made the right choices. Stuart also brought up how a lot of times people involved with revivals end up having hidden sin in their life and what not, and how people get so judgmental because they believe God couldn't be using him/her because of the problems they have in their life. And just how we need to remember its God's ultimate completion of His plan, not because they were a good Christian and God is rewarding them. Of course, God will only continue to use that person up until a point. If they continue in sin and stray from godliness, He will have to find someone else to finish the job. It's just a good thing to remember when “judging from afar” and also in our own lives. Our calling involves the giftings God has given us and how they can benefit his kingdom and glory, so really they have everything to do with him and the body of Christ.

Our purpose in life, for ourselves is to love God. To have a growing, deepening relationship with Jesus Christ. And to press into the word and the ways of the Holy Spirit. Out of that flows loving others as ourselves and sharing the gospel with those around us. If we work at Mc Donalds our whole life or plant churches oversease, we can still fulfill the purpose of our life. There is no excuse not to, none what so ever. In many ways this seems very backwards or upside down, but just think about it for a while. I believe that you too will see the truth in this. May our God grant you revelation about His perfect love and what it means to love him back.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Holy Spirit is SO cool! :)

So there is the Global Bridegroom fast going on right now Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I fasted all day yesterday, ate some today, and will fast tomorrow. On these three days, our classes are canceled. Instead we are in the prayer room from 8 pm until 6 am. We have a half hour lunch break at 1 am. Talk about intense right!?! But how often do you get the chance to spend 9 and a half hours focusing on the Lord, his Kingdom and His goodness; in prayer, worship, reading the word, and soaking in His presence. I am certainly enjoying this privilege, even if I get tired or it gets long at times... :) I actually finished Patricia King's book yesterday during this time as well and am posting this now it is 10:52 pm...

So I went though and read a whole bunch of scriptures about the Holy Spirit and all the things he does for us and the ways he works, there was a list of them in Patricia King's book, and I stumbled upon even more as I went along. I wanted to share some of my favorite with you. I feel like I am drinking it all in, that I can't get enough of scripture!

I love the verse Luke 1:15 and just the thought of John the Baptist being filled with the Holy Spirit while still inside the womb! And if you keep reading, in verse 41 we see that as baby John leaps at Mary's greeting, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit! How awesome is that!

One of my all time favorites :) John 16:13 & 14
But when He the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and disclose it to you. Wow, the Holy Spirit is amazing isn't it?!

Acts 8 tells the awesome story of Philip and the eunuch. Verse 39 and 40 are especially awesome :) “When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing. But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.” How cool is that!? I want the Holy Spirit to be able to do those kind of things with me!

Then at the end of Acts 10, the holy spirit falls upon all those that are listening to Peter's message. (verse 44). The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured upon them all, and they were speaking in tongues and exalting God. Thereafter, they order them to be baptized in water since they obviously received the same Holy Spirit just as the apostles did! (verse 47 and 48). I just think that's awesome! To have that kind of anointing that your words cause the Holy Spirit to fall on those that hear them!

Romans 8 is a really deep chapter...there is a lot to take in. It's kind of the different aspect of the Holy Spirit. How as believers, we are new creations and must die to our flesh and live by the Spirit. I also like verse 26: “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” I think that's awesome!

Okay, I guess this can be the last section, I know there is alot! :)
1st Corinthians 2:9-16. I think this is a really good portion of scripture for all believers to meditate and prayer read.
“But just as it is written, things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him. For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things even the depths of God” Wow, does anyone else realize this is incredibly deep. The Holy Spirit searches the depths of God and reveals those secrets to US. Think about that for a moment! What an incredible gift, honor, and privilege!
Continuing on in scripture: “For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one. For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE WILL INSTRUCT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ.” As believers, we must not only be ready for unbelievers to see us and the things that we believe as foolishness, we should expect it and welcome it when it comes. The Kingdom of Heaven does not operate like the Kingdom of this Earth, and praise the Lord for that! What a nightmare it would be if it did...We also need to be careful that never try to instruct the Lord as to what he should or shouldn't do, that is just never our place...

Well I suppose I am done for now...I am just drinking this all in...seriously, how could I ever have been bored of reading the Bible?!?!?!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thoughts/excerpts from Patricia King's "Spiritual Revolution"

I have been reading an eye-opening book by Patricia King called “Spiritual Revolution.” I am learning so much and I definitely recommend it to anyone hungry for more of the supernatural in your life! This book talks about all kinds of things like angelic visitations, visions, miracles, hearing the voice of the Lord in different ways, and “third heaven” experiences. You may be a little doubtful of some things at first but she is so genuine in her experiences and uses scripture constantly to back up the things she believes. I love the way she talks about living by faith. Here are some of the passages that I wanted to share with you.

In the beginning of the book, she talks about the different types of supernatural occurrences that are happening today, all over the world. But she starts out focusing on the evil ones, from the Kingdom of darkness. We, as the body of Christ have a responsibility to give a true example of the supernatural!
“These true signs and wonders will be the standard raised up against the flood of the counterfeit demonic outpouring. We must walk in the true in order to expose and swallow up the false.” She talks about the “sad reality that of those that believe that God's power is real today, very few are actually operating in much of it at all, including herself.” I began to understand a bigger purpose for the supernatural, for signs and wonders. I always had a hunger for these things but now I understand that it goes beyond a hunger to be satisfied in myself. As a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to display the true supernatural realm of the Kingdom of heaven to expose how evil the works of the enemy are. We cannot simply talk about how terrible the things are that the enemy does through the occult and other practices, we must fight back. Satan is creating counterfeits, but what about the true originals?! We must keep them alive, instead of shrinking away from anything supernatural in fear. She challenges us believers with these questions: “ Again, how will we ever learn to discern the counterfeit if we are not familiar with the real thing? How will the unsaved ever embrace the truth if they only know the false?”

She talks about the vital importance of experiencing God versus simply reading about him in His Word.
“Successful and meaningful relationships are based on a choice to love as well as to experience that love. If you were to take the experience dimension out of a relationship, you would more than likely be left with a cold and empty association and not a relationship at all. If you were to read the biography of the President of the United Stares, it doesn't mean that you have a relationship with him. It simply means you know about him. If you had coffee with him, however, or went for a walk with him, or allowed him to take you on a personal tour of the White House, then you could perhaps say that you had a small measure of relationship with him. What makes the difference? It is the experience dimension. The more experience you share with someone, the deeper your relationship becomes.”

“He would be so disappointed if we said “Reading the Bible is all I need. I can find everything I need to know about You, Lord, through Your Word. It doesn't matter to me if I experience Your love, presence, or power.” This would break His heart, for He longs to give us experience with Him and to receive our love as well. He is a relational God. When He was suffering on the cross, He had an expectation. He endured the cross for the joy set before Him. Experiencing an eternal love relationship with you is that joy.”

Wow, I just had never heard things said quite this way before, but it makes SO much sense!! How heartbreaking is it that we are letting ourselves, as the body of Christ, be satisfied with knowing about God instead of experiencing Him as a person!

She also approaches it from the opposite standpoint and cautions “Experience orientation is valid if it has a place of right priority within your heart. Experience, for the sake of experience, however, has no eternal value at all, and the idolatry of it could possibly lead to great deception. Experience in knowing Him, His Kingdom, and His Righteousness, however, is our upward call in Christ Jesus.”

Anyways, I have already written lots here....didn't even write nearly everything I wanted too... But hopefully it will give you more encouragement to be seeking after the supernatural and experiencing the one true God!

I love you guys!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some deeper, personal thoughts from my journal...

The majority of my blogging has been talking about the teachings and classes, but I wanted to share some deeper things...Here are some prayers/songs that I have in my journal from the past couple of days...

I have really been feeling the Lord has a higher destiny for my life than I had previously been imagining. I am not sure what it all looks like right now, but I just know there is more than I thought. Much higher than going to college and just becoming a nutritionist for the rest of my life. More than getting married and having a family. Even if it is just for a season, I know I want to do more with my life. I feel such a longing and desire to be involved in “ministry,” a discipling ministry that involves a lot of intercession and counseling. I feel such a desire to make a difference for Christ – to the lost but also to the saved. I would love to be involved in something where there is community living with fellow believers, edification and discipling fellow believers, and reaching out to the Lost mind has run wild with the ideas of what that could look like. Lord, because I trust you, I place everything at your throne. Father, my destiny with you, the plan you have for me comes first in my life. All my dreams, plans, passions, desires, and relationship with Jordan come after that. In these three months I hope and pray that I discover more of the calling you have placed on my life. I can only trust that the changes that will occur in my heart, and have started already, will mesh with those that occur in Jordan's...but what if they don't...I place that in your all knowing perfect hands, Jesus. Right now, my focus and worry so to speak is on myself and what you are calling me to do...and Lord willing it will line up with what you are calling Jordan to. Father, teach me your ways, show me your perfectly designed path. I love your ways Lord, you are an awesome God! My deepest desire is to respond in complete obedience to the callings on my life, whatever and wherever they may be.

Prayer-reading the Song of Solomon 1:2
Oh Father, I'm begging you
Kiss me with the kisses of your love
the kisses of your word
kisses of your goodness
kisses of your holiness
kisses of your gentleness
kisses of your patience

For your love oh God is better than wine. It is better than the pleasures of this world. Better than Jordan's love. Better than acceptance and self-confidence. Your love, oh God, is better than everything.

Thank you for your love father. Thank you for how passionately you love me, speak to me, and care for me. Make your love known to the depths of who I am. The depths of my heart. Give me more insight and revelation on how you love me.

Meditating on Matthew 5:1-6...
Father open your mouth and begin to teach me. How can I be hungry and thirsty for righteousness? Hunger demands attention, even if completely unintentional. Hunger drives you to the source of fullfillment. To ache for the Lord and more of His presence, more of his word, more likeness of Him. To live as though you will quickly die, physically, without the food of the Lord. Priority is very high because it is essential for life to continue. Without it, death will result...

Lord help me to be driven by my hunger for you. Not to satisfy it in other ways or to ignore the “spiritual growls of my stomach.” Give me more hunger. Increase my appetite for your word, your ways, and the person of Jesus. Give me more revelation of what it means to HUNGER and THIRST for righteousness.

I kinda wrote a song using that scripture...

Another song I wrote...

I will be patient
In the quiet place
to hear your voice
your tender voice

In the stillness
I will be still
to hear you
hear your voice, speak to me

I wait for you
when I don't feel near
in silence I will wait
to hear from you

I will wait (2x)

Monday, September 29, 2008

The first week of Fire in the Night!

Wow, so much has been happening these past days, I can't even begin to write it all. I have been journaling everyday during prayer room time, teaching, and classes almost every time and yet I still didn't capture near all of it. So, I will try to highlight some of the main things that stuck out to me and some of the things I feel the Lord is teaching me in this time. Sorry, once again this is going to be random. Because its over the span of about 30 hours of prayer room, teaching, and classes :)

Here are some points on intercession that we covered combined with some of my thoughts.

Impact of Intercession:
Intercession develops and draws us into intimacy with God.
Intercession unifies us with the people of God. In the place of unity God commands a blessing.
Intercession brings humility in us
Intercession trains us to function in his government.
What we say moves things.
Prayers transform your heart, our hearts become like God's heart. The more we pray for the things on God's heart the more we begin to develop passions for those things. And the more we develop passions for God's passions, the more our hearts change themselves, and our lives will reflect the change.

Random things on my heart :)

1. Everything bears fruit (in this case, I'm using fruit to go either way). Therefore, in everything we do we must examine the fruit of it. Does it draw us closer to the Lord or does it pull us from him? I would really encourage everyone to seriously consider some of these questions...I want to really search my own heart and life to find the things that I do and enjoy that do not bear good fruit. How can I cut those things out of my life? What things bear good fruit? How can I cultivate those things? Matthew 3:8 tells us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance.

2. The need for balance. I love the fact that I get to spend what seems to be endless hours in the presence of the Lord, in teaching, in worship, in prayer, in discussion of his word. But I feel the urge and need to have an outlet to the Lost as well. Actually at our sunday night service, the preacher spoke on evangelism and it was amazing! I felt the teaching spoke to what I was exactly feeling! Of course, during these three months I realize I won't have much of an outlet to the lost and that's okay. But I am talking about a rule for my life. As good and biblical it is to surround ourselves with amazing Christian people who love the Lord, it is also very biblical to step out of our “bubble.” We need to let our light shine, instead of keeping it hidden inside of that bubble. Things work so amazingly in the Kingdom of the Lord. For example because I am spending so much time with God and learning about Him and his word it only fuels my loves for him. My love for him creates an urgency and desire to share him with those around me. And that in turn will give me boldness for evangelism. It's a never ending awesome process! :)

We had a good teaching on whole hearted love for God that I would like to share briefly.

- Matthew 22:37.
- Loving God with all of our heart is the great commandment because it is the one that encompasses all else.
- The only way to fulfill the Great Commandment is to fall in love with a real person. We cannot love Him unless we love him in a very personal way. This commandment demands a holy lovesickness, a fierce passion for Jesus. Only those who are pierced by the passion of love in a personal way will overcome the hindrances of love in heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- The self-giving nature of love. Love always gives itself. Real love does not withhold and is without reserve. We need to yield and obey Jesus in every area of our lives to truly love him.
Realizing that when it seems Jesus is distant it is us not him. Jesus is filled with compassion, he does not put distance between us. When we don't give ourselves up completely in love, we are actually resisting him. That resistance produces distance and the feeling that he isn't listening or doesn't care. Do not accuse Jesus of what is in your own soul. Although the Bible has a lot of power, it is the person of Jesus that uproots the sin in our hearts, the things that were resisting him. That is why it is so crucial to be in love with the person of Jesus, to know him.
- He is asking us to give him our everything. But not for nothing, we are giving it because he gave us his everything. Wow, what a powerful thought. When we do not withhold anything in our hearts from Jesus both love him in everything, we are truly give him what he desires from us.

Love is so huge. Seriously. Actually it was kind of cool, one night I was reading my bible in the prayer room. I think I was in Matthew or something, not sure. All of a sudden I felt drawn to read 1st Corinthians, the “love chapter.” I ended up reading it through over a couple times. As I was reading, a fellow fire in the night-er went up the microphone and began praying about the Love of God. It was in reference to the city of Kansas City, I believe, for reaching the lost and the churches. But she kept talking over and over about love. It was so cool :)

Well, I suppose I gave you guys a lot to think and pray about. May your hearts become more like our heavenly father's as we meditate on his word and spend time talking with him and praying for the things he is passionate about to come to pass.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First day of Fire in the night! :)

Here is kind of a hodge podge of my thoughts and prayers...just the things the Lord is stirring in my heart at the beginning, this new start. Beware, may seem very random. May you be blessed by some part or all of it :)

This is an awesome verse about being watchmen of the night.

Isaiah 62:6-7
On Your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; All day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves and give Him no rest until he establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

We went through pages of rules and regulations and Clay Edwards (our main, fire in the night director. He is totally awesome and hilarious) was talking about how we need to learn to embrace rebuke from Godly if they are doing us a service, because they really are. He was challenging us to grasp the truth from rebuke, even if the rebuke is given unfairly or in harshness. I was so amazed by the humbleness he had when he spoke, and the challenge he gives us to be Godly even if it seems "they don't deserve it." Of course if you are not obviously in the wrong, take it before the Lord. Ask him to highlight the truth in the rebuke...and evaluate it in prayer.

Then he started to take it even furthur....challenging us to be obedient to the law that we live under....even in the little things. God commands us to obey the authorities in place in our lives and yet it is something we often belittle or ignore....take speeding for instance. I too, am very guilty of course. But that doesn't make it okay. Or stoping at a stop sign...I know this may seem so trivial or unimportant. But it just means we try to live in obedience to our Father in everything we do. Even the little things.

Then, when I was sitting in the prayer room, I wrote this...kinda like a mix between a prayer and a song....describing my thoughts and prayers about this time here.

Father, I come before your throne
To look upon your face. I was created for this.
Father, be my one desire
Be the reason that I breathe

Bring revelation, revelation of Your love
Make me more like You
One with you, Jesus

That all else will fade away
That I will only see Your face
Shape me and mold me
Into who You created me to be.
May I never lose my thirst
For more of You.

Purge me from my sins
Strip my heart, I lay it bare.
Purify me, Almighty One.
All of me belongs to you
Use me Father. Please, use me.

Be my one desire
Be the reason that I breathe
Be my comfort
Be my thoughts
Be my dreams
Be my home
Be my passion
Be my vision
Be my purpose
Be my everything

I have arrived!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I arrived safely in Kansas City. I am now sitting in my apartment room that I share with two other awesome girls. I am so excited to be here. Even though everything is so new, I love it already! God is definately proving, already, how he set this all up for me. I feel so at home, even though its only been a few hours....crazy, I know :) Today is basically a "get to know each other" chill day, we only spend like an hour in the prayer room tonight. But they still make us stay up until 4 am! I unpacked some of my things already but then lost my ambition...I just packed it all like yesterday, not really in the mood to unpack it all

Well, I should get going I have to get ready for the meet 'n greet meal. My parents will be there too which is pretty cool, they leave tomorrow though. Then I am officially on my own. Wow, what a new feeling. I love it though!

The excitement has definately hit, I just can't get over how at home and at peace I feel about being really is amazing!

If anyone wants to come visit me during the next three months, let me know! That would be awesome!!

bye for now

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today is a significant day...

Today is a day of change, a day that has come much quicker than I could have imagined. Today is the day Jordan started his YWAM DTS. His truck was packed with his things and we took a last errand run into town together. His life is turned upside down, starting today. Today is my last Sunday at home for a very long time. Because I hope to update this blog every Sunday, I figured I would give one last account of my thoughts before I am started with my internship. I leave on Wednesday morning, for those of you that don't know, probably around 4:30 am.

I feel so emotionally drained...I have cried several times at the thought of leaving everything behind...of not being a part of the live's of loved ones back home, or at least not a big part...I didn't think it would be quite this hard to a really large pill the doctor gave you to swallow. You didn't realize it was that big, till it gets stuck halfway down your throat. The longest I have been away from my family and life as I know it, is a mere two weeks. Three months seems like an eternity! And to not hear Jordan's voice or write him an email, but to contact only via handwritten letters for THREE months....seems impossible to wrap my head around- and maybe I never will. And yet, I know, beyond all doubt. This is what the Lord is calling me to do. To follow him with both feet, willing to lay everything else aside to focus upon His holy face. And I know that in my obedience to him, His grace will carry me through.

Don't worry, I am very excited for my time! I know the Lord will do awesome and amazing things. It's just that everything has come so fast now, and I never was really ready for it all. I am just feeling rather overwhelmed even though I know it will get better quickly. As far as being ready practically, I have purchased toiletries, cosmetics, extra clothing, notebooks, etc...But I have yet to pack. And put everything in my room into boxes so that anxious brother Alex can move in. It just doesn't feel right...packing up MY room...never thought I would be anything but super excited to move out from yes, the journey is beginning already and for Jordan is has already begun. I shall keep you posted, and feel free to write me at


Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Adventure Draws Near...17 days

I was accepted for the Fire In the Night Internship! So, I am leaving for the International House of Prayer in Kansas City in just over two weeks! I am very excited to see what the Lord will do and discover more of who I am and the plans he has for my future. I plan to blog at least once a week throughout the three months I am there, so be sure to check back as often as you want to see how things are going. I will try to give a synopsis of the things God is teaching me through teachings and through the intense hours of prayer and intercession, but I will also include the basics such as how life is going physically and emotionally. Well, thanks for reading! Love you guys!